November Seed Heads

I’ve been gathering leaves by the barrow load again this morning and tiding up some of my herbaceous perennials too. Not all of them need cutting back now. I try to leave the sturdy stems in place for as long as possible to provide homes and food for tiny creatures. You wouldn’t believe how many little critters can share the same space. This morning I found a small snail jammed into the top of a hollow stem then when I looked closely there were a few woodlice in there too.


There was a tiny Snail sitting on top of a Poppy and a little spider inside.
Last autumn I found a ladybird hiding in an Aquilegia seedhead. If you look closely it’s amazing what you find!


Love GillianSo although I’m tidying up a bit I am also making sure that I leave plenty of hollow stems, seed heads and seeds for the smaller creatures around here. If it’s a cold winter they will need some protection from the worst of the weather.

If you would like to see what else I will be doing this month you might like to have a look at NOVEMBER.

Thanks for reading, liking and especially for commenting.  Happy Gardening  Gillian 🙂

11 thoughts on “November Seed Heads

    1. It’s amazing how they tuck themselves in so tightly. We’ve already had a few ladybirds in the house trying to find a nice spot in the hall for the winter!

  1. Great post about the importance of thinking of the greater ecological picture. I think in our haste to be ‘tidy’ we overlook this vital piece.

    1. Thanks Eliza. My Dad loves a nice tidy garden and bare earth. That’s not my cup of tea and he always wants to weed and tidy up a bit when he comes here! Scientists say that every garden needs dead and decaying plant material so I leave it all as long as possible. I wouldn’t leave anything mushy that quickly disintegrates in this garden eg: the old stems of Echinops ritro and Sedum spectabile are relegated to the compost heap fairly sharpish. I like to think that all the tiny creatures can find shelter here if they need it in a hollow stem or a gorgeous seed head.

  2. Lovely photos. I leave a lot of of seed heads until the spring. The ladybirds in particular need safe places to overwinter.

    1. Thanks very much. Some people don’t like the look of seed heads and hollow stems. I can understand that if they have a very tidy garden. Where things are more relaxed (garden and gardener!) then it’s the right thing to do I feel. Besides there is nothing quite like finding a dew covered spiders web festooned between the old stalks or seed heads with a dusting of frost.

    1. Thank you for your comment Dorris. I completely agree with you… our wild creatures rely on us for food and shelter. We are rewarded by a glimpse into their lives which certainly makes me happy.

  3. I agree with you Gillian…and thanks for sharing those delightful moments when you glimpse nature preparing for the winter. This morning there were beautiful spiders webs…several styles which must belong to different types of spiders. As we no longer have so many flowers to admire in our gardens, the wildlife becomes more conspicuous. Great Pictures.

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment Noelle. It was foggy here this morning and all the spiders webs were glistening with moisture. Beautiful!

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