Dahlias are Looking Good

Dahlias are Looking Good this month. I have resisted them for a while because there are so many other lovely plants to enjoy during the summer months. Besides I like to think of Dahlias as some of the star plants for September. You may have noticed a few Dahlias in the photos on my last post too.

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May Delights

There’s so much going on in the garden at the moment. My husband is convinced that the trees just wait until our backs are turned then churn out a few more leaves and blossom. It seems that every time we look things are more voluptuous and gorgeous. Here’s a collage of some star plants for May here in Lancashire, North West England.

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Hydrangea Annabelle

Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’ is beautiful when it’s in flower with creamy white blooms… and still gorgeous when the flowers dry in autumn. Usually these dried flower heads last all winter. Many gardeners tidy up their Hydrangeas in autumn pruning the shrub to remove faded flowers… but it’s such a shame to chop these heads off I think.

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September Stars

It’s Garden Bloggers Bloom Day and there are still lots of plants blooming their little heads off in our garden here in the North West of England. We’ve got beautiful shrubs such as Roses and Hydrangeas, perennials like Sedums and Asters and lots of annual flowers too.
Without doubt these flowers in this collage are the STARS in my garden this September.

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