Looking Good 13th May

I hope you don’t mind a few more photos of Tulips! These shots were taken at Gresgarth Garden last weekend when the sun was shining brightly. It’s a little cooler here today but these pictures show how Tulips can look on a warm spring day.

Here’s Gresgarth House. Leaping forward in the picture are the bright red tulips in huge tubs on the terrace. Red is an advancing colour. It hits you right between the eyes and demands attention.

Continue reading Looking Good 13th May

Spring Already?

Walking our dog in the sunshine this morning I saw signs of spring everywhere. There were wild flowers pushing their way through the leaf litter in the hedge bottoms. A patch of Cow Parsley was blooming… although their stems were little more than 15cm/6 inches tall. (A period of cold is required to produce long stems on some plants) Even the Honeysuckle and Elder were sending out new leaves in the hedge. It’s way too early!

Continue reading Spring Already?

Snake’s Head Fritillary

Fritillaria ThumbnailCan you believe that this is a British wild flower? It’s so beautiful and unusual with it’s checkerboard markings. Wild meadows supporting this plant have almost vanished here in the UK which is a shame because their early flowers provide nectar for our pollinating insects. Bees love them!

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